10 skills to improve while you’re bored at work

 If you know what to do, being bored at work doesn’t have to be terrible. Simply look for activities that will keep you busy while also enhancing some of your personal qualities.

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You can utilise it to the fullest while others are floundering around their desks and snoring aimlessly. You’ll be cured of boredom and given better tools for succeeding at work if you spend your “spare” time learning new skills. You can do this by making a curse into a blessing.

Here are a few abilities and practical tasks to keep you busy.

1. Learn to code

Coding classes are the best use of your time, hands down. The ability to programme is in high demand in today’s technologically advanced world. Even if you don’t become an expert, learning the fundamentals of how programming languages like HTML operate can increase your productivity and make you more appealing to employers.

A bonus is that you can practise by creating a personal website for yourself that will help you market yourself and showcase your abilities.

2. Start a blog

It can be a blog about developments in your field, but also a more personal space where you share your views on pop culture or other hobbies. The main thing to consider is who you want to read it and what your purpose is. Commit to a target each week and push yourself to reach it. This will serve to draw attention and keep current followers engaged, which can in turn give you an even greater incentive to stick to your schedule.

Fortunately for your business, writing a blog can help you improve your writing skills, which will be useful regardless of your job role.

3. Perfect your MS Office skills

MS Office is the set of applications you should pay the most attention to if you still don’t understand it well and you have an empty computer in front of you. It’s a crucial requirement for the majority of office jobs, and using Microsoft Excel expertly, for instance, can significantly increase your effectiveness and productivity. Additionally, they can be very helpful in your private life.

You can progress from MS Office to more specialised software that suits your industry and interests. Keep in mind that when it comes to promotions and pay raises, software skills can sometimes be the deciding factor between candidates who are otherwise equal.

4. Practise being a leader

Even if it isn’t specified in your job description, it still might be extremely beneficial to you and your company. While others are preoccupied with themselves, taking the initiative and making a change for the better on your own can be a noble and extremely rewarding way to demonstrate your leadership abilities.

Take the initiative to address any problems that may exist at your place of employment. You’ll develop much stronger leadership qualities and gain the respect of others.

You could also make use of your free time by enrolling in a leadership course; if you show interest, your employer might even be willing to pay for it!

5. Enhance your charisma

Many great orators practise their speeches in front of a mirror, which may seem strange. In front of the mirror, stand erect, work on your mannerisms and posture, observe how you appear when you speak, and make any necessary adjustments to improve your performance. In many cases, you are your own worst critic when it comes to communication.

So give it a shot and work on developing a more captivating, charismatic style that will enable you to stand out from the competition and more easily win the cooperation of clients and colleagues in the future.

6. Learn a new language

It’s like fighting with multiple weapons if you speak more than one language. Learning a new language in your free time will lift your spirits, introduce you to a different culture, and enhance your resume.

Consider your current work while following your interests. Why not learn to interact with the locals if, for instance, you frequently visit another nation for business purposes? Otherwise, try to concentrate on widely spoken languages, like the ones that are used as official languages by international organisations like the UN and EU.

7. Network

One of the key elements for career success, according to experts, is having a strong professional network. Create and update your LinkedIn profile, add new contacts to your social network, and stay connected if you’re bored at work. The key is to see and be seen!

8. Clean your inbox

No, we don’t mean picking everything out and throwing it in the trash! We suggest spending some serious time going through the hundreds or thousands of emails you’ve been saving over the years to clear out your inbox and archive all of your crucial communications in a tidy, accessible manner.

Define a system as a first step. Create pertinent folders in step two. Move messages to the correct location in step three. Step 4: Create tasks for the items on your to-do list that are due today and tomorrow.

Are you still uninterested? Try manipulating the icons on your desktop; they won’t move by themselves!

9. Re-arrange your workspace

Maintaining good health is crucial, but many desk-bound 9 to 5 workers don’t give it enough thought, which can lead to discomfort and injury.

Have you forgotten everything you learned in your course on workplace health and safety? Why not review your material and spend some time rearranging your screen, desk, chair, and other furniture to make sure that you are not endangering your health? Use this time to move around and/or look into office supplies like standing desks and balance boards that can help you stay in shape while working.

10. Design and create

Be original! Discover your hidden talents and produce something lovely. Utilize tools like Adobe InDesign or Illustrator (or their free open source equivalents), hone your artistic abilities, and practise new techniques.

Why not kill two birds with one stone? Getting your imagination going can only lead to good things. And who knows, you might even think of something so original that it completely transforms your career!

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