11 Strategies to Increase Page RPM

 Page revenue per thousand impressions (RPM) is one of the key metrics that publishers can monitor and influence, even though they have access to a number of tools to track revenue generation. It’s a crucial metric for identifying problems with advertising effectiveness as well.

RPM is a highly volatile metric, but there are a number of tactics you can use to sway it and determine how much revenue is being generated.

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What is Page RPM?

A formula called “page RPM is used to estimate the revenue a web page produces. Google uses the terms interchangeably because they are nearly identical to eCPM, which stands for “effective cost per mille”.

On numerous platforms that make money from display ads, such as desktop, mobile, in-app, and video, eCPM is used.

How to Calculate Page RPM

Page RPM is calculated by multiplying the result by 1000 and dividing your estimated earnings or ad revenue by the total number of page views:

Page RPM is calculated as (estimated earnings / total page views) * 1000.

For instance, your page RPM would be ($15/1500)*1000 = $10 if you had 1500 page views each month and an estimated revenue of $15.

What Influences Page RPM?

Your RPM is directly influenced by the following two metrics:

1. Click-through rate (CTR)

This gauges how many times an advertisement is clicked for every thousand ad impressions. Publishers are paid more when their ads are clicked on more frequently. The amount of revenue your site can produce increases as the CTR rises.

A higher CTR also indicates that the publisher is providing a premium location for those types of ads, which would enable the publisher to command a higher cost per click for the ad placement bid.

2. Cost per click (CPC)

This gauges the sum an advertiser is prepared to shell out for a click on an advertisement placed on a publisher’s website. CPC varies according to the ad’s niche, context, and content.

Publishers should make sure that both CTR and CPC are kept as high as possible because improving these two metrics will cause their page RPM to increase.

Publishers have a number of options for improving the efficiency of their advertising space. Here are some of the most effective methods for publishers to raise page RPM.

11 Ways to Increase Page RPM

Your efforts to increase your page RPM won’t always show results right away. Remember to use a significant sample size and give each experiment at least a week to run before analysing the outcomes when conducting A/B tests to put any of these recommendations into practise.

Your own web pages, the ads that appear on your website, and the audience that visits your site are the three main areas you can work on to increase page RPM.

1. Focus on your content quality

Although it may sound cliche at this point, concentrating on the quality of your content is the cornerstone that will enable you to demand a higher page RPM. Strong content that resonates with your audience has a cascading effect on all the other optimisations and metrics.

True, having excellent content does not ensure success. We have all heard of excellent publications with top-notch content in their fields that have since vanished. But consider it from the other angle: how many websites that you are aware of that are successful and sustainable have subpar content?

2. Suggest relevant content to maintain user engagement

In order to keep users interested and extend their time on page and across the site, content recommendation engines are designed to offer navigational pathways to related content.

In order to increase the likelihood that a user will click an ad, you should increase the number of page views on your website.

3. Increase site speed and fix technical issues

To enhance user experience and ad viewability, you should speed up your website, ads, and pages. However, you should also be aware of any other technical problems that might impair your performance, such as broken links or problems with mobile rendering.

Your SEO efforts will be negatively impacted by these technical issues over time, which will also have an impact on your page RPM.

4. Increase ad viewability

How effective is a commercial that nobody sees? not at all. This metric is being used more frequently by publishers and advertisers to assess ad campaigns. Advertisers are increasingly choosing to only pay for viewable impressions.

The desktop viewability rate is around 50%, according to eMarketer. As a result, almost 50% of advertising budgets are spent on unseen advertisements. Publishers would lose a significant portion of their revenue if the industry overnight changed to only paying for viewable impressions. So, increasing viewability is in everyone’s best interest.

Our research shows a significant relationship between viewability and CPM, so raising viewability will directly affect your page RPM.

One factor that may affect the viewability of advertisements is reducing ad latency (increasing ad loading speed). You can improve your ad placement and layout to make your ad units more viewable.

5. Optimize your ad formats and sizes

You have a wide range of formats you can accept on your website, including text, display, video, rich media, and expandable ads. Certain formats command higher click and impression costs.

It doesn’t follow that doing so will enable you to raise your page RPM by converting all of your ad inventory to video ads. You would have to experiment to determine the best format combination for maximising your revenue performance.

Additionally, there are numerous ad sizes that are standardised and defined by industry organisations like the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). Guidelines that are based on image proportions rather than fixed sizes were released by the IAB in 2017. Because advertisers use some ad sizes more frequently than others, there is more competition.

By using these ads, you would increase your ads’ CPC, which would lead to a higher page RPM. Additionally, certain ad sizes are more profitable and have higher CPCs than others. Although you should always test different ad sizes to see which one works best for you, in general, wider ad sizes have a higher CPC.

6. Diversify your ad networks

How many ad units a publisher can fill with advertisements is determined by the fill rate, a metric used in online advertising. To increase your page RPM, strive for a high fill rate. External factors, such as network problems or a visitor leaving the website before the ad had a chance to load, make it impossible to achieve a 100% fill rate.

Working with an ad server that enables you to diversify your ad providers is one way to raise your fill rate. You could use several ad networks to fill the remaining ad placements after serving your own direct campaigns. By having a variety of options for where to serve an ad, you will be able to maximise your fill rate and serve the most profitable advertisement in each case.

7. Use header bidding

A programmatic advertising technique called header bidding enables you to offer your ad space to various ad networks, which then compete for the right to insert an advertisement into your content.

The best way to increase your advertising revenue is to let ad exchanges compete for placements. You no longer sell your inventory to the largest exchanges, as was the case with the waterfall model of ad selling, but rather to the exchange with the highest bid.

Ad loading times will be shortened by switching from waterfall to header bidding, improving ad viewability and efficacy.

8. Implement ad refresh

You can serve multiple ads to the same user on the same advertising placement by using ad refresh. The current ad is refreshed and replaced with a different ad after a condition is met, which can be time on page, a visitor action, or any other event. Only the ad units that the user is currently viewing should be refreshed. You will increase your page RPM even though the CPM for those impressions will be lower than for the first ad served.

9. Make sure the ads are relevant to your audience

To raise your page RPM, it is essential to set up the appropriate targeting for your users. Your audience is much more likely to click on an ad when it is relevant to them, which increases the effectiveness of your ads. To make your ads more relevant, you can set up various targets for various sections or themes on your website.

10. Deliver a great user experience for your readers

Your visitors did not come to your website to be inundated with advertisements and notifications. They arrived in order to access and enjoy the content you produce. Although it’s challenging to quantify and measure, a great user experience will increase audience engagement and loyalty.

You can track two metrics to determine whether the user experience has improved: bounce rate and return visits. Over time, returning visitors will raise your page RPM. It’s a more long-term strategy than bombarding your audience with ads or using intrusive ad formats that interfere with the user’s task.

11. Optimize traffic for quality

Your efforts to increase traffic should not only focus on volume but also on improving traffic quality. Because they found your content to be pertinent to their search query, organic users are frequently of high calibre. You might see a different picture on your site, though, depending on the content. Building a profile of your referral sources and determining which traffic source attracts the most engaged users is the best course of action. Using that profile, you can concentrate your efforts on acquiring traffic from reliable sources. A highly engaged audience will make your site more appealing to advertisers, who will raise their bids for ads there, raising your page RPM.

Why does page RPM change?

Page RPM is an estimated metric, so it’s common for it to fluctuate. Rather than concentrating on daily metric updates, it’s important to track trends and use rolling averages. Give each optimisation enough time to assess its efficacy because it will take some time for any change you make to affect your RPM. Whatever the case, you must constantly test, experiment, analyse, and optimise.

Page RPM is only one aspect of the narrative. For instance, you might experience a drop in page RPM as a result of higher traffic, which would also result in higher overall ad revenue. To get a complete picture of your site’s performance and ways to increase your estimated advertising revenue, combine page RPM with other metrics.


What is a Good Page RPM?

Your publisher niche, content, demographics, traffic quality, geo-location, and seasonality all have an impact on how well your page RPM performs. Page RPM prices can range from $0.05 to $50 and higher.

What is RPM AdSense?

The estimated ad revenue and ad impressions a publisher can receive for each thousand impressions are measured by RPM on AdSense.


CPM is an advertiser metric that measures the estimated revenue for 1,000 ad impressions, whereas page RPM is a publisher metric that measures estimated earnings and ad impressions for every thousand page views.

What is Impression RPM?

Impression RPM is simply calculated by multiplying the result by 1000 and dividing the total revenue from ads by the total measured impressions. The only difference between impression RPM and CPM is that impression RPM is used by publishers and focuses primarily on AdSense, whereas CPM is from the perspective of advertisers.

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