Whether we like it or not, technology plays a significant role in our lives. If you don’t live on a remote island or have deliberately chosen to “opt out” of modern life, you probably understand at least some of the reasons why technology can be both a blessing and a curse.

We owe a lot of gratitude to contemporary technological advancements. In fact, you wouldn’t be able to enjoy some AWS action while sitting at your desk in the office (yeah, I see you!) if it weren’t for modern technology. or while travelling to work on the train. But as with anything, there are good, bad, and just plain annoying things. Here are a few of the reasons, in my opinion, that technology can be both a blessing and a curse.

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Table of contents:

  1. Networking
  2. Cyber Bullying And Stalking
  3. Spreading Awareness
  4. Dating
  5. Procrastination
  6. Bargains Galore
  7. Information At Your Fingertips
  8. Privacy
  9. Passwords
  10. Convenience
  11. Saving Lives


I’ll start off my list of reasons why technology is both a blessing and a curse with a good one: networking is one of the best things about it. Small businesses and aspiring business owners may benefit greatly from this. People can effectively advertise their businesses and services on LinkedIn and other social networking sites.

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There are many disturbing stories about young people who have been bullied online or on their mobile devices, which is an unfortunate byproduct of technology. Many organisations are trying to combat it because it can have terrible repercussions.

Nearly 43% of young people in England have experienced cyberbullying, and girls are about twice as likely as boys to be both the victims and the perpetrators of cyberbullying, according to dosomething.org, an organisation that advocates for social change for young people. Cyberstalking is yet another drawback of technology. Sadly, although it is difficult to measure, crime is on the rise in Britain. Have you experienced online harassment or stalking?

technology is a blessing essay, is technology a blessing or a curse speech, how is technology a curse to humanity, technology is blessing or curse essay, TECHNOLOGY,


Technology has a remarkable capacity for good. Through the internet, people can spread awareness of events happening around the world to millions of people. Charities have the power to reach a wide audience, and anyone can share their story with the world in order to inspire others and raise money for a good cause.

technology is a blessing essay, is technology a blessing or a curse speech, how is technology a curse to humanity, technology is blessing or curse essay, TECHNOLOGY,


One of the best things about technological advancements is that many people have found their ideal partner through online dating. It has meant that individuals can communicate with their prospective partner, despite the fact that they may be hundreds of miles apart. Online dating has led a few people I know to their ideal partners, demonstrating its potential as a path to enduring love.

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Technology can be a curse because it can rob us of our valuable time. If you have a tendency to spend hours online, this can be risky because you might be missing out on opportunities to pursue your goals and aspirations. It can also be extremely addictive, whether it be through computer games, programmes that immerse you in virtual reality, or social networking.

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The ability to find many deals online without ever leaving your living room is another benefit of technology. You can skip the lines and shop online to find some incredible deals if you’re a busy mother who is unable to go out and do your shopping. Additionally, if you wait until the last minute, you can still get the item you want the following day thanks to next-day delivery.

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You literally have information at your fingertips thanks to technology, which is one of its many benefits. All we have to do to find an answer to a question or a recipe is type it into a search engine, and presto! Although we now take it for granted, it still amazes me that we can find out anything at any time.

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We have all witnessed the effects that cyber hacking can have, and celebrities are particularly susceptible to privacy invasions. We are all at risk of becoming the victims of computer hackers, which is unquestionably one of the curses of technology unless we take all reasonable precautions to safeguard our sensitive data. Additionally, because of our heavy reliance on technology, a lot of our personal information is vulnerable to fraud. This is something that, I have to admit, slightly frightens me.

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This irritates me a lot. I detest having to keep track of so many PINs and passwords. Although I am aware that they are essential for security, it can be challenging to remember them all, and occasionally when I’m at the register or need to sign into an online account, my mind just wanders. There must be a simpler method!

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There is no denying that technology has greatly improved the quality of life. Instead of going to the bank, we can conduct our banking online. While sipping tea, we can shop online, and from the comfort of our couch, we can research topics.

technology is a blessing essay, is technology a blessing or a curse speech, how is technology a curse to humanity, technology is blessing or curse essay, TECHNOLOGY,


Every day, lives are saved thanks to technological advancements, and in the future, many more lives will be saved as a result of technological advancements. Amazing things, like humanoid robots that can care for the elderly and ill children, and the ability for nanorobots to enter the bloodstream and act even before a disease manifests, are what medical futurists predict will happen in the future.

technology is a blessing essay, is technology a blessing or a curse speech, how is technology a curse to humanity, technology is blessing or curse essay, TECHNOLOGY,

The reasons why technology is both a blessing and a curse are countless. Do any of the aforementioned motives resonate with you or can you think of any others? Maybe you believe that technology is more of a curse than a blessing, or vice versa? I’d adore to know!

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