Computer Science Skills to Put on Your Resume

 There are many rewarding and successful careers in the field of computer science. A computer science degree can lead to many career opportunities, but it’s only the first step. Finding a job is an essential next step, regardless of whether you are still in school getting your computer science degree or have just received your diploma. Undoubtedly, a degree is a necessary prerequisite for the majority of job opportunities, but in order to be considered for an interview, you’ll also need to have a computer science resume that highlights your skills and experience. This guide will demonstrate the abilities you should highlight on your resume in order to attract employers.

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What Hard Skills Do I Need for Computer Science?

The specialised skills you need to succeed in your day-to-day work are known as hard skills. Many of these skills are technical in nature when it comes to IT. Candidates for computer science should include them on their resumes. Many of the skills listed below are ones that WGU students learn.

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What Are The Top Computer Science Skills?

Computer and technology skills. 
To succeed in an IT position, you must possess advanced computer and technological skills. This can include having a solid grasp of operating systems, keyboarding skills, and proficiency with spreadsheets and presentations. All of these essential computer skills are acquired as you progress through your coursework towards a degree from WGU.

Data analysis. 
You must be able to interpret and analyse complex data in order to succeed in any IT position. Highlight your knowledge of data software on your resume and show that you can create reports that can be put to use. This demonstrates your desire to understand how the work affects outcomes in addition to simply doing the work. Data analysis explains to everyone, from consumers to executives, how a project performed and what that means for an organisation, helping to inform future decisions.

Software development. 
A strong hard skill to list on your resume is an understanding of software development and principles. It demonstrates that you are aware of how to collaborate with others to write code and programmes, test them, and ultimately produce a usable piece of software. The types of programming languages that are excellent to list on your future resume will be revealed in this article. A strong differentiator on your resume is including software development as one of your skills.

Technical writing. 
In the world of IT, technical writing serves a very specific purpose. To explain and provide guidance for IT situations, IT professionals may write technical documentation. Employers want to see that you can explain your projects to others in addition to having knowledge and skills. Developing your technical writing abilities will demonstrate to potential employers that you have the ability to write articles or other informational materials that are required for projects or to succinctly train and orient others.

You will achieve success in the field of computer science if you have a strong grasp of math and formulas. Your math skills will be useful when you need to run formulas and solve problems as part of your coding and development, whether it be statistics or calculus. Your potential employers will learn that you have the knowledge and abilities to solve challenging problems if you list math as a skill on your computer science resume.

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What Soft Skills Do I Need for Computer Science?

Soft skills are frequently referred to as “people skills.” Your ability to interact with others at work depends on these intangible traits that you bring with you. Even the technical aspects of your job can be impacted by your efficiency and technical aptitude. The following abilities are crucial for your success in the IT industry.
Attention to detail. 
Detail-oriented work is essential in the field of computer science and IT. You must be able to scan through lengthy lines of code and spot any errors. You can make a significant difference in projects if you have an eye for small details. Your ability to focus on details will demonstrate to potential employers that you are aware of the importance of small details to the overall project. It can be incredibly advantageous to be a stickler for the details.

Some individuals believe that computer science is only logical, dull work. But that simply isn’t the case. To solve issues and build practical, contemporary websites and web applications, creativity is essential. The hiring manager can tell you’re someone who will think creatively to solve problems and offer original solutions if you include creativity on your resume.

In the world of IT, communication is essential. You will need this soft skill to communicate with clients, coworkers, and managers. Demonstrate your ability to clearly communicate your projects, goals, and timeframes. The fact that you listed communication on your resume demonstrates that you value effective communication in the workplace. It’s a good idea to demonstrate to potential employers that you are willing to participate respectfully in workplace communication.

Time management.
Tight deadlines, competing priorities, and rapid task switching are common in the majority of computer science jobs. You can stay on top of the various tasks and projects you’ll encounter by practising effective time management. You can convince potential employers that you’re committed to meeting deadlines and that you’ll be productive and efficient at work by listing time management on your resume.

Teamwork & cooperation. 
Being a strong team player is essential in any workplace, but it’s especially crucial if you work in computer science. To ensure deadlines are met and expectations are met, software engineers, data scientists, and IT professionals frequently have to work with a variety of different groups within an organisation.

A very analytical field is computer science. To troubleshoot and find solutions, you must be able to analyse hundreds of lines of code. Above all, being proactive is essential because it’s critical to guarantee quality at the time of creation to avoid expensive fixes later. The most significant kind of analysis is the one that uses data to draw conclusions that lead to change and quantifiable outcomes for an organisation.

A top skill on your list when creating a computer science resume should be organisation. Why? Because maintaining organisation is essential to both personal and business success. For example, if you’re writing intricate lines of code and can’t keep your work organised, you might make very expensive mistakes that stop systems from working or even expose sensitive information.
Training and teaching.
When you’re looking for a job, demonstrating your willingness to teach can make you stand out. In any organisation, a person who has the mindset to uplift and mentor others can have a significant impact. Technical expertise is standard, but leadership abilities and training can help you stand out.

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What Programming and Coding Languages Do I Need to Know for Computer Science?

It’s important to be familiar with a wide range of programming languages when it comes to computer science and IT. You could create frameworks, instructions, and software for your company using these programming languages. You should be familiar with a few key programming languages and list them on your resume in order to show hiring managers that you have the technical know-how necessary to make a difference in their business. Highlighting your knowledge of several programming languages demonstrates your readiness for the job and your aptitude for picking up new languages.
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The general-purpose programming language C# was created for Microsoft platforms. It needs Windows and the.NET framework to function. The language C# is regarded as a combination of Java, C++, and C. Including C# on your resume demonstrates to the hiring manager that you are knowledgeable about current and popular programming languages. C# is quickly growing to be a very popular coding language. Employers may assume that you are able to learn new languages easily because it combines several different languages.
Although C# can be used to create almost anything, it is most effective when creating Windows desktop applications and video games. Make sure to emphasise C# competency on your resume if this is the type of computer science position you are seeking. Listing C# on your resume is a good idea if you’re looking for work developing web or mobile applications because the language is also growing in popularity in this area. You can choose the C# or Java track of our software development degrees at WGU to see which one is best for you. In WGU programmes, you will have the opportunity to learn both languages.
Similar to C#, C++ is a general-purpose programming language. The main feature that sets C++ apart from other languages is its capacity to precisely define operations that a computer can carry out. Though C++ can be used to programme anything a computer can do, the majority of these operations involve manipulating numbers and text. It’s a fantastic programming language to list on your resume because it demonstrates your adaptability and your familiarity with a language that can manipulate anything on a computer.
With Java, a well-liked computer coding language, developers can write instructions in everyday English rather than complicated numerical codes. Because it uses understandable language rather than complicated codes, it is among the simplest programming languages. Java is a programming language that works with open source, or community-built projects. It can also deploy, troubleshoot, and keep track of other Java cloud applications.
Java can be used to create Android apps, so having Java on your resume can help you get hired. WGU offers Java courses for its bachelor’s programmes in computer science, software development, and data management and analytics. These courses make use of Java instruction to help students get ready for particular software development tasks that they must be ready for.
A higher-level programming language called Python is employed to create desktop programmes, websites, and web applications. Due to its higher level, it handles common programming tasks, allowing you to concentrate on core functionality. Python’s straightforward syntax guidelines make it simpler to maintain readable code. Python can solve equations, display images or numbers, process text, and save data. Python knowledge demonstrates that you have expertise in a well-established coding language used across numerous industries for a wide range of tasks.
After earning your WGU degree, polishing your resume will help you stand out to potential employers. In order to effectively convey your qualifications on a computer science résumé, it is essential to list the appropriate hard and soft skills.

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