How to Understand WordPress Website Visitors Intent (7 Tips)

 Do you wish to comprehend your website visitors better?

You can provide what your visitors are looking for by ascertaining their intentions. By doing this, you can increase the value of your content, enhance user experience on your website, provide the best products, and more.

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This article will demonstrate how to determine the visitors’ intentions and provide useful advice.

What is Website Visitor Intent?

Simply put, website visitor intent refers to what a user is attempting to do or find on your WordPress website or the reason they initially clicked on your site in a search result.

You can categorise visitor or user intent into 4 categories to better understand it:


Navigational intent is what occurs when a user enters your brand name into a search engine to find the URL of your website or visits your site to find a link to the contact form. For instance, a visitor might be trying to contact you about guest posting by filling out a contact form.


This is the time when people are conducting research and looking for details about a good or service. Visitors with an informational intent can learn more about a subject or find a solution to a problem. Before buying your software, a user might, for instance, look for an article to learn more about it.


A user may go to your website to contrast various goods and services. When this occurs, it is said that the visitor’s intent is commercial. The visit’s goal is to determine which product or service is superior and which one they should purchase.


The intention is transactional when someone visits your website with the intention of buying something. Users are nearing completion of a purchase of a good or service. Before making a purchase, they can also browse your website or online store to find deals and discount coupons.

Why Understand WordPress Website Visitor Intent?

Understanding visitor intent as a website owner or marketer is like trying to read minds. It unearths a treasure trove of knowledge that can advance your company.

You can learn which content your readers enjoy if you have a WordPress blog. By doing so, you can produce content that appeals to your audience and increase traffic to your website.

Similar to this, comprehending visitor intent on a WooCommerce website can aid in your understanding of your clients’ needs. You can provide products that customers want and increase conversions.

Understanding user intent can also enhance the user experience on your website. On your website, you can see the steps a user takes before making a purchase. By doing so, you’ll be able to address any problems, such as simplifying the checkout process or including a table of contents in an article for easier navigation.

Having said that, let’s examine how you can better understand the intention of website visitors. You can skip ahead to any tip by clicking one of the links below.

  • Request Quick Feedback from Users
  • To better understand visitor intent, add interactive polls.
  • Monitor the User Experience with Your WordPress Forms
  • Tracking Customer Journeys on Your Online Store
  • Learn how users interact with your website.
  • Check the search terms that users enter on your website.
  • (Bonus) Check the Search Intent of Keywords Using SEO Tools

Understanding WordPress Website Visitor Intent

It can be difficult to determine users’ true motivations for visiting your website.

To better understand your audience and their behaviour, you can use a variety of WordPress plugins and tools.

Here are a few methods for discovering the purpose of website visitors.

1. Ask Users for a Quick Feedback

Asking for feedback from your visitors is the simplest way to determine their intentions. Discovering the needs of your audience helps you understand what they are searching for on your website.

If you run an online store, for instance, you can conduct surveys to learn what customers are actually looking for or how satisfied they are with their purchases.

Similarly, you can get opinions on your landing pages and articles. This aids in determining whether the user-friendlyness of the content you are producing. The content can then be modified to reflect the intended audience.

A user might, for instance, visit with the intention of gathering information about your service. The user might not be satisfied and eventually leave your site if you display an article with a transactional intent.

MonsterInsights conducts a brief survey and requests suggestions for new content from its users. This is a great way to generate fresh content concepts.

Using the UserFeedback plugin is the best way to add and collect audience feedback. It is a strong, free plugin that enables you to start surveys and get quick responses in real-time.

The plugin comes with built-in templates and questions that help create a quick feedback survey. There is also a UserFeedback premium version that offers more templates, questions, and customization options.

For example, you can choose templates for website experience, post-purchase review, competitive research, NPS survey, and more.

Please see our guide on how to get quick feedback on your articles in WordPress to learn more.

2. Add Interactive Polls to Understand Visitor Intent

Including interactive polls on your website is a further way to quickly understand the intent of visitors to your WordPress blog.

Polls are targeted while surveys can be open-ended. Users can be presented with several options to choose from, a rating scale, or a straightforward yes/no question. You can determine the purpose of someone using your website by looking at which options receive the most votes.

Using WPForms is the most effective way to make interactive polls in WordPress. It is the top WordPress contact form plugin and comes with an add-on for surveys and polls.

It provides drag-and-drop form builders, prebuilt form templates, and a variety of customization options.

Visit our tutorial to learn how to use WordPress to create an interactive poll.

You can segment your audience once you understand why they visit your website. You can use this to display personalised campaigns, send targeted push notifications, and display pertinent content.

3. Track the User Journey of Your WordPress Forms

Wouldn’t you want to know how visitors interact with your forms and what they are trying to accomplish when they submit one if you have a variety of forms on your website?

Forms are a fantastic tool for maintaining contact with your users. They aid in obtaining feedback from users, answering their questions, accepting file uploads, collecting leads, and more. They also assist in collecting online payments.

But some users complete forms, while others don’t. You can observe the steps people take prior to submitting a form by tracking the user journey.

You’ll discover a lot about user behaviour and what motivates them to complete forms on your website in this manner. You can design forms that help you generate more leads and expand your business by using the knowledge you gain from comprehending your visitors’ intentions. Additionally, you’ll be able to lower form abandonment.

Using WPForms is the most effective way to monitor how users interact with your WordPress forms. It provides a User Journey add-on that displays a user’s path through the website and the pages they visited prior to submitting a form.

4. Setup Customer Journey Tracking on Your Online Store

On your eCommerce site, you can also keep track of customer journeys and discover more about the motivations of your visitors. You can learn which pages each user visited, how long they stayed there, and what they did before making a purchase by using customer journey tracking.

This will assist you in identifying transactional intent and determining why customers choose to purchase certain goods over others. Then, you can enhance your sales funnel and make it more conversion-friendly.

You’ll also observe how visitors move around your website. With the aid of this data, you can better understand user navigational intent, facilitate checkout, enhance product pages, and do a lot more to help customers find what they’re looking for.

Setting up customer journey tracking with MonsterInsights is very simple. With well-known eCommerce plugins like WooCommerce, MemberPress, Easy Digital Downloads, and others, it provides a User Journey addon that operates automatically.

In your WordPress dashboard, you can then see a report to see more information about the route your customers took.

To see the customer’s entire journey, just choose a transaction ID.

The customer’s exact arrival page, the pages they next visited, and how long they stayed there before making a purchase are all clearly visible in the screenshot below.

5. Find Out How People Use Your Website

Next, by observing how visitors engage with your WordPress site, you can ascertain their intentions.

You can observe their clicking patterns, the pages they frequent most, the files they download, the videos they watch, and more.

Utilising MonsterInsights, you can monitor all of this. The best WordPress analytics plugin, it makes installing Google Analytics very simple without modifying any code.

You get automatic advanced tracking setup in Google Analytics thanks to the plugin. The best part is that reports are available in your WordPress admin panel, helping you to better understand your visitors.

For instance, MonsterInsights monitors affiliate and outbound links on your website. This makes it possible for you to see user behaviour and where they click.

Similar to that, you can find your most significant pages.

The most popular pages and posts on your website are displayed by MonsterInsights. You can discover content that appeals to your audience by using this insight.

If your content encompasses embedded videos, MonsterInsights can also show you which ones receive the most interaction. For example, if an educational video is getting a lot of views, you can make more of them to draw in more viewers.

You can see the quantity of plays, typical watch time, typical percentage of views, and completion rate for each video in the report. Please refer to our tutorial on tracking video analytics in WordPress for more information.

In addition, you can use MonsterInsights to track file downloads, view the top traffic sources, determine the region from which your visitors are coming, and more to learn more about your visitors.

It even displays the devices and browsers that your visitors use, the top referral sources, and the marketing campaigns that are working the best.

6. See What Search Terms People Use on Your Website

Are there any search options available on your WordPress website? If so, you can determine user intent by learning what search terms visitors use to locate goods, services, and content on your website.

The search terms people use on your website or eCommerce store can be found using SearchWP. It is the best search plugin for WordPress that enables you to personalise your search on a WordPress website.

To include custom fields, tables, categories, tags, documents, products, and more in the search process, you can create your own search algorithms and engines.

You can view statistics in your WordPress dashboard thanks to SearchWP. On your website, it will list every query and the number of times it was searched.

7. Use SEO Tools to See the Search Intent of Keywords

You can look up the keywords people use to find your website on search engines in addition to tracking site searches. While this might not demonstrate user behaviour on your website, it does highlight a significant aspect of user intent.

For illustration, suppose a user searches for information about your products on Google. Instead, you are presenting them with a sales page with a transactional intent and scant information about the item. Both your WordPress SEO and user experience will suffer as a result.

You can better meet the needs of your visitors by comprehending the search intent of a keyword. You get to choose the kind of products to offer or the kind of content to produce.

You should check the keywords people are using in search engines to get started. By using Google Search Console, you can accomplish that. It is a free Google tool that assists in keeping track of the visibility of your website in search results.

To get started, you can refer to our step-by-step instructions for adding your WordPress website to Google Search Console.

The keywords your site is ranking for will then all be displayed by Search Console. You can view the Search Console report in your WordPress dashboard if you’re using MonsterInsights.

For the top 50 Google search terms, it will display the quantity of impressions, clicks, click-through rate (CTR), and average position.

The next step is to conduct keyword research and ascertain the user intent of the keywords you’ve discovered that people are searching for.

Use an SEO tool like Semrush to accomplish that. It is a potent tool that SEO specialists, marketers, and company owners use. Simply type the keyword into the tool to view various variations.

Additionally, it will display the purpose behind each search term. For instance, if the users’ intent is informational, they are seeking solutions to a particular problem or topic. Or if it is transactional, individuals are seeking to carry out an action, such as making a purchase of a good or service.

The appropriate content can then be produced in order to fulfil user intent using these details. Consequently, this will improve your Google ranking, help you better serve your visitors, and increase conversions.

Alternative Method:

Use WPBeginner’s Keyword Generator Tool to find additional keyword suggestions for your website. More than 300 potential search terms for your website will be displayed.

We hope that this article has taught you how to recognise the intentions of visitors to WordPress websites. You might also want to check out our articles on the best push notification apps and how to drive more traffic to your blog.

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel for WordPress video tutorials if you enjoyed this article. Additionally, you can find us on Facebook and Twitter.

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