What Is WebAR Technology?

 WebAR, also known as web-based augmented reality, is a digital technology that makes it simple to share AR experiences over the internet without the use of an app.

Simply direct your users to a certain URL, and presto! They’re interacting with your newest digital experience right away. With this technology, you can add a fully interactive product demo to the back of your business card or bring a product label to life (even if it’s printed).

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The technology that enables users to interact with augmented reality experiences in a mobile or web browser is referred to as WebAR, also known as web-based augmented reality. Because it doesn’t require the user to download or buy specialised apps, software, or equipment, it differs from traditional AR. 

Over the past few years, interest in mobile-based augmented reality, or AR that runs on your phone or tablet, has skyrocketed. The only slight drawback is that users must first download an app in order to take advantage of the experience. That’s no longer the case thanks to WebAR, which allows augmented reality features to exist right inside your web browser.

Why Consider WebAR?

According to studies, interactive content can make your messaging up to 80% more memorable in the user’s mind. This presents a huge opportunity to get more mileage out of your content strategy, especially when combined with the capability to share AR content directly from your own website. You can now launch WebAR experiences from any URL of your choosing, eliminating the need to direct users to third-party websites like Facebook, Snapchat, or TikTok.

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Be careful not to be a data snoop! Data security is crucial because the ability to collect personal information is only increasing thanks to developments in technologies like eye tracking, facial recognition, and image targeting. In fact, these technologies are occasionally necessary to create augmented reality and virtual reality experiences. As producers of digital content, it is crucial that we treat this power with respect right now more than ever.

How to Get Started With WebAR

It’s incredibly easy to create a home for your WebAR feature. You only need to point your audience to a specific URL to get things started. Utilising the capabilities of QR codes is among the simplest ways to achieve this. Users need only open their phone’s camera app, point their lens at the QR code, and they’ll be prompted to access your new WebAR experience.

You can easily embed interactive content anywhere thanks to this technology. You could also just share or list your URL that supports augmented reality if you’d prefer to avoid using QR codes. The WebAR experience will then start up automatically.

Fallbacks for audience members who might be browsing on outdated technology or low-bandwidth connections can also be built into these experiences. This is a great procedure to use to guarantee that the experience of your entire audience is optimised.


Six easy steps make up the development process for creating WebAR experiences:

1. Planning and Creative

Always start with a comprehensive plan that expresses your target market, campaign objectives, and creative vision. Later, this will assist in guiding your decisions.

2. Platform Selection

8th Wall and Zappar are two of the top platforms for creating WebAR experiences. By providing access to the fundamental technologies required to create incredible WebAR experiences, these software packages simplify the lives of developers. Consider tools like surface tracking and image recognition. Utilising one of these two platforms will save you significant time and money as opposed to creating your experiences from scratch, though each has advantages and disadvantages of their own.

3. Asset Creation

The creation of your 3D digital assets can now begin. The key to a great WebAR experience is finding the right balance between your creative goals and the available bandwidth. Web-based experiences may run slowly if they contain extremely complex animations or highly detailed models. Create engaging yet straightforward animations and low-poly art assets for the best possible user experience.

4. Assembly

You can start creating your new WebAR experience once you have a plan in place, a platform chosen, and all of your necessary assets prepared. This work will be carried out using the platform you chose earlier. This process is fairly technical, like most digital development, and is best managed by a developer or group of developers with experience using the platform.

5. Testing

Any digital experience that is being built should include testing, but WebAR testing is especially crucial because there are so many variables to take into account. We advise testing on all popular mobile operating systems and web browsers. Additionally, we advise trying the experience on various network connections (Wi-Fi, 4G, 3G, etc.) if at all possible.

6. Distribution

If you want to keep things simple, both 8th Wall and Zappar offer hosting services and customised URL integrations. Additionally, you can export the finished product and host it on your own servers. In either case, sharing the host URL via QR or another method will allow you to share your brand-new WebAR experience.

WebAR Adoption Today

For years, businesses like Google, Apple, and Mozilla have been working in the background to make WebAR a reality. Although serious WebAR research and development started in the 2000s, it really picked up steam in the last three to five years. These initiatives paid off, and the technology is now suitable for widespread use.

All major mobile phone manufacturers, including Samsung, Apple, HTC, Xiaomi, Huawei, and more, as well as Firefox, Chrome, and Safari all support WebAR. As users and creators, this means that when we publish a WebAR experience, we now have access to more than three billion sets of eyes. You must simply contact them.

Challenges to Implementing WebAR

You should be aware of some restrictions when comparing WebAR to conventional mobile AR technology, particularly those related to graphic fidelity and frame rate. You are limited by the speed of your user’s network connection when using WebAR. This means that 3D models, intricate animations, and expansive scenes with a lot of detail may result in a poor user experience.

When creating a WebAR experience, you’ll want to make sure you adhere to all the best practises for compression and low-poly art creation. Your experience will continue to run smoothly across all devices and network connections thanks to this. As was already mentioned, a good developer should also include a fallback option for users accessing the system using outdated or slow connections.

Remember that WebAR is just one tool in your toolbox as a maker of digital content when thinking about including it in your upcoming sales, marketing, or advertising campaign. Using the technology to create something cool is more important than actually creating a high-quality WebAR experience. Consider how you might be able to use these encounters to tie together a bigger campaign, tell a more interesting tale, or create something that is more shareable.

A Quick Note on 5G Technology

In comparison to the fastest 4G connection, 5G promises mobile internet speeds that are five to ten times faster. How does this affect Web AR? Imagine sitting at your dining room table and watching a 3D NFL football game. Or conversing on the phone with your interior designer as new paint hues and furniture options gradually appear in your living room. WebAR and other interactive technologies like WebVR and 360-degree live streaming will be revolutionised by 5G technology. Even though they are extremely potent, the experiences we are currently witnessing are only the beginning.

You now have the ability to add interactivity to any product label, promotional poster, or print advertisement thanks to WebAR technology. WebAR is already being used by companies like Adidas, Coors, and the Spider-Man franchise, with positive results.

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